You are trying to prepare your website, but you don’t know that you also need web hosting.
There are also various reasons for that, and I think you should read this post to know more about this topic. If you just buy a domain and think of making your site without web hosting, then it is not a good idea.
If you don’t know about it at first, you should read this article. After that, I think you will understand why you need this service for preparing your site.
So continue reading…
What is Web Hosting? Why do You Need a Website Hosting Server?
It is an online space where a website is loaded. Some companies are providing this type of plan for showing the website, and it is called web hosting. (source)
If you want to make a website, you need to rent space on the internet. This is the reason why some companies are selling the virtual space where you want to store your entire website.
This type of virtual space is called web hosting. After purchasing this service from a company, the server for web hosting works.
When you upload your total website data and make it ready, this site will be visible to all. When any person searches your website in the internet search bar or search box, the server quickly shows your website to that person.
This type of server has specific software in the online network so that it can view your website for any site visitor.
Why Do You Need Domain Hosting?
Some companies offer domain hosting, where you can make a landing page for that domain. Besides, you can attach that domain to your website by changing the domain name server.
What is the basic Difference Between Domain name and Web Hosting?
If you are confused about the difference between domain and hosting, I have shared a specific difference between them.
A domain is a brand name and it is also the address of your website. When a person searches your website in Google search with a domain name then he can find your website.
On the other hand, hosting is a virtual space where your website is loaded. Now, I think you have understood the answer to this question: what is hosting and domain?
Should You Keep Domain and Hosting Separate?
Yes, you can. It will be better to register your domain in a supported area and keep it locked so that no one can steal it.
After purchasing hosting from a different company, you will be able to attach your domain to a website and load all your data into your newly purchased hosting area.
Besides, you can also purchase a domain and hosting from the same well-known company so that your domain will be kept secure.
When you make a website and want to keep it in your hosting space, you need to attach a domain to that site. By changing the name server of a domain, you can attach it to a website and keep it in the hosting area.
Best or Reliable Web Hosting Service
In my opinion, there are some companies that you may try. They are:
- ✅️ Hostinger (1st choice)
- ✅️ Bluehost
- ✅️ Hostgator
- ✅️ Siteground
- ✅️ A2hosting etc.
N.B.: Hostinger is offering a 1-year free domain with a hosting package.
Want to know how to make a website?
Then read this article: Making the website easy with free Hostinger domain
Virtual Hosting Server Meaning with Definition
It is an IT service that allows you to provide your website database with a specific maintenance system. Their server will manage your website and make it visible to clients.
Purpose of Hosting Server
The main function of the server is to reach your website information to visitors or end users instantly.
Meaning of Cloud Hosting Server
It is a system that can pull computing resources from physical servers and virtual networks with high performance and make a website visible to visitors.
Is Self Website Hosting Worth It?
It is not a good idea because, when you host a site on your platform, you may face different kinds of problems at any time. So the best way is for you to use a worldwide web hosting service.
Someone also has a question:
Is it a safe or better option to host your website’s data on your personal computer?The answer is that you may face security problems when you host your site on your computer.
Besides, there are also other problems that you may face, and you need to solve those problems by yourself.
I think that you have read some basic notes about hosting.
Is Web Hosting Necessary for Your Website?
Of course, this service is necessary when you’re thinking of establishing your site. Besides, the Google search engine prefers good web hosting to give a website an upper ranking.
When you create your site, it needs virtual space that you can manage from a web hosting company.
Do You Need Hosting for a WordPress Site?
Yes, you need this service for any site, and you should use good hosting for your site.
Is It Necessary to Buy Hosting for Your Site?
If you want to get organic traffic from the search engine, you need to purchase a good plan from a company.
Benefits of the better Web Hosting: Advantages
Here, I have shared some advantages:
- ✔️Quick support from that company or host manager
- ✔️Low downtime
- ✔️High-speed loading time of a site
- ✔️Have better security
- ✔️Have a backup facility, etc.
Disadvantages of Low-Price Web Hosting
Here, I have shared some disadvantages that you may face if you purchase the plan at a low price.
- Limited bandwidth
- Free CDN not available
- Dedicated resources may not be available
- A dedicated IP address may not be available
Is It Cheaper to Host Your Website?
It depends on what type of business or blog site you want to create. You cannot get much facility from cheap web services.
Web Hosting Service Price
You need to pay a specific amount to host your website, and the cost of a website hosting server may vary. You may create a website that costs nearly $100 per year.
But if you want to start your website professionally and get more features, then you need to pay a higher price. The price of dedicated server web hosting is higher than the cheaper plan.
Is Free Web Hosting Service Good?
Search engines don’t like free plans. This is the reason why you need to manage a premium hosting service for running your website with traffic. Besides, you do not get much security from free web services.
Is Free Hosting Good for the Starters or Beginners?
In my opinion, you should not use the free plan at the starter level. But you can manage the paid options (shared hosting services) at a cheap price. The reason is that search engines don’t prefer a free plan for ranking the website.
Difference Between Dedicated Server and Website Hosting
If you want to know the difference between a dedicated service and hosting, you can read another article on this website.
My Viewpoint
After ending this article, I want to know that you should need a website host if you are thinking of buying a domain to get organic traffic. To get traffic, you need to prepare your website so that you will be able to make it visible to all.
In this article, I have shared the required notes that you can read to learn about this type of web service. Besides, you may read the answers that I have given in the FAQ section.
FAQ: Why do You Need Web Hosting
Is WordPress a Web Hosting Service?
These plans are available on the WordPress hosting platform, and you can get paid and free plans there.
Can You Host Your Website Yourself?
You can host your website on your personal computer or a physical server.
Do You Need a Website Builder?
You can use a website builder to prepare the website with articles. You can prepare your website without a website builder, too. I don’t use the builder, but you can use it if you want.
Does Website Builder Include Hosting?
After purchasing this plan, you can add a website builder to the dashboard setting so that you can easily make your site.
Why Do You Need a Server at Home?
You can manage all your data from a single device or home server. For searching a particular file in a short time, you can use the home server.
What Happens If You Don’t Host Your Website?
If you don’t host your website, no one can see it on the internet. So if you want to make it visible to everyone, just host your side.
Is GoDaddy a Web Host?
Yes, Godaddy offers different web hosting services.
Does Have Web Hosting?
Google Cloud has a web hosting service. Besides, you can manage the Google domain and make a website.
Does Web Hosting Include Security?
Some companies have security options, but you should check before purchasing this type of service.
Does It Matter Who Hosts Your Premium Domain?
You can register a domain with a provider and purchase hosting from another hosting provider. You can easily manage your domain name (after domain registration or domain hosting costs) to make your website available at any reliable place.
Do Big or Popular Companies Host Their Websites?
Popular companies like Amazon and Microsoft have loaded their websites on their hosting platforms because they have financial issues with huge visitors.
Does Web Server Hosting Include Email?
Some companies provide email addresses when you purchase a hosting plan. So you should check out this type of email facility before purchasing a plan.
Is Web Hosting Considered Cloud?
Basic website hosting is different from cloud hosting.